I love your way of making/not making resolutions. I love essays as trying. I love walks *after* writing. I love "Reader, he is not wrong," and how you brought us into this common conflict.

May your laundry ever bring you peace! (I have a whole poem about its role in my writing process.)

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I need that poem, Megan! I used to think my life was too boring to write anything substantial from, but it's always the ordinary, quotidian things, isn't it? Life is life.

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I can hear you working things out as you write and it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling because it works that way on me too! Hugs to you, friend, as you find what is life giving and follow. ❤️

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I adore you. I feel myself in your words. More. More. More, Tresta.

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You make me smile and I adore you, too.

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Wow I just love every word of this—you've got me thinking of my own things to neglect list. I also find myself being tired of saying, "This is just a season" too 🤍

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I love this, Tresta. I think beginning with a list of things being neglected is a brilliant avenue to inspire one to dig to the bottom of the proverbial laundry basket...grateful always for the way you help me see.

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I liked this Tresta! It was refreshingly honest.

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