"and see what good news may have appeared, addressed to me, asking for more."--Oh, I feel you, Tresta!

But you're right: We do learn through rejections. I had one recently that, on rereading it, I'm so glad it didn't get published. It needs more time to grow.

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It really is a gift to have other eyes on our work. Thankful for yours ; )

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Saw this yesterday from Callie and ordered!! Excited for the resource!

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Yay! I hope it's helpful for you Kimberly.

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Oh I LOVE this, all of it. "Let It Fly" is the most apt name one could name such a resource.

I remember reading your essay at Fathom, "Did My Dad Come To See the Kindness of God?" which then introduced me to you and your writing.

Funny enough, I just had a poem accepted this week for publication, and a forthcoming book review that should be published any time now. These are things I do not do, but want to, so am testing the waters of "Letting It Fly". I need the accountability and set of eyes that proper publications provide... left to myself on Substack I would wild out or really not do anything. :')

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"Wild out" doesn't sound too bad! Haley-gone-rogue?

Congratulations on letting it fly and finding more space for your words! You have a very fine brain and generous heart, and I hope more people get access to them ; )

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What a beautiful cover on 'Let it Fly'. Thank you, to all you gals.

Not sure how to get my copy? (Paid subscriber)

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Oof. I sent an email to paid subscribers last week but apparently it didn't go through! Thank you and sorry...resending soon!

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Oh I love love love this! I need a way to keep track and keep sending. I love what you said about editors who reply with helpful feedback. I agree, it’s so good and kind to receive that kind of feedback.

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