Posts from for 01/10/2015
A little wit, a little struggle, a lot of Jesus
Weekend Words 1.10.15
By Tresta on Jan 10, 2015 05:46 am
A surprising thing that creates the best kind of freedom by Tsh Oxenreider
“My word of the year is limits. It’s a lot more freeing than it sounds. See, I’ve realized that even though I’ve got an inner autono-monster, I don’t always need to feed it. It can sometimes be harnessed for good, but there are ways where I still tend towards childishness, and autonomy only exacerbates it.”
Fight Back with Joy by Jennifer Dukes Lee
“And maybe we could remember that days are mere blips,
and that we could live more poetry in our own skin,
and color outside the lines,
and not despise the crooked paths of our lives.
And remember that the wind blows hard, but it also blows soft and sweet.”
Change your feed reader. Change your life. at Modern Mrs. Darcy
Some good tips about tailoring your online reading to line up with your goals for 2015, and how to add organize your favorite blogs. Click here to add moi to your feedly (my reader of choice).
Sacrifice of Thanksgiving by Kara Tippetts
I don’t cry much, really. But this woman, every time I see her face or read her words, she gets me crying. This is why I appreciate the internet – because I’d never know her story or be strengthened by her faith without it.
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