Posts from Sharp Paynes for 04/18/2014
Sharp Paynes
A little wit, a little struggle, a lot of Jesus
Beauty in Pieces {Five Minute Friday: Glue}
By Tresta Payne on Apr 18, 2014 07:58 am
Sticky holder-together-of-things. My first thought in brokenness, when alabaster shatters against tile and bare feet seem all so tender.
We need a glue to hold together all the pieces – fragmented, scattered, dangerously sharp.
Imperfectly cobbled back together with superficial bonds, all the efforts I make at glueing and holding and keeping it together, all of them laughable. I am unwound and life unwinds and I think to settle for a mosaic.
Beauty in pieces and maybe it should stay broken?
But today. Two thousand years ago. And tomorrow – it is finished. It was finished and is finished and will be forever done and completed – perfectly held together with sticky red glue, running fresh for me. Jesus holds all things.
Let it be finished and let everything broken and flying apart be glued together by perfect blood.
Perfect grace.
Perfect Savior who died in my place.
It’s Five Minute Friday. Come write with us on this one word: GLUE.
The post Beauty in Pieces {Five Minute Friday: Glue} appeared first on Sharp Paynes.
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