Posts from S h a r p P a y n e s for 01/10/2014
S h a r p P a y n e s
A little wit, a little struggle, a lot of Jesus
To See
By Tresta Payne on Jan 10, 2014 07:05 am

I remember the Lite Bright. I remember adjusting the black paper and how there were always ones in the mix that were already poked, someone trying to recylce and reuse them.
I would smooth the paper down and poke the first colored peg in. Light would shine right through like the stars.
Poke poke poke and always ever-increasing light, till a picture would appear. If I poked randomly it was an abstract light-blob, but some of those papers had outlines to follow and pictures would appear – real pictures of real things that made sense.
Ever-increasing light. Ever widening skies. Dots connecting or not connecting.
I feel that way now. There’s no template in my mind but I just know that this connects with that somehow, someday, maybe soon. The lights are out there and scattered so I sweep them in with a wide swath of my arm and anchor them down on paper because I want to see what the picture is, what the message could be.
I want the picture to make sense.
And maybe I don’t really believe my eyes or my heart but something is forming there, like eyes adjusting to the night sky to see the Big Dipper and Orion. All of a sudden there it is.
I hope it’s like that. I hope that once I see it I’ll never un-see.
Five Minute Friday is a writing exercise where we let “first thoughts” come out and ask perfection to leave. We link up our words at Lisa-Jo’s.
The post To See appeared first on S h a r p P a y n e s.

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